Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Welcome and Introduction

 Hello, and welcome to my very first post on my brand new blog!

As Christmas approaches I have been very busy with special tasks, and along with them, the constant advice from my mother (Rebecca from Rebecca's Hearth and Home) that I should "start a blog"! So here goes. I'm not sure what kind of content will fill these pages, but I'll start by introducing myself and my beautiful family.

My name is Amanda. I am a 36-year old homemaker and homeschooling mother. I worked for the Missouri Department of Natural Resources for 20 years, but I left employment there in 2021 after much prayer and soul-searching. My life had changed a lot during that year as I had married, and shortly thereafter started homeschooling my new daughter as she was fearfully behind in her studies. 

After I left state government, I pulled an 8-month stint in retail management while trying to homeschool, but the Lord laid it on my heart to leave the career world and focus on my family. I have been doing just that for the last 5 months, and I have never been happier.


In June 2021 I married my husband and the love of my life...and inherited 2 amazing children. Aaron works in industrial maintenance in a local cardboard factory. He is responsible for machinery maintenance and repair. He is an amazing husband and father, and works hard to provide for us so that I can stay home and focus on our home and family. He enjoys adventuring with me and spending time with our family, as well as working on anything mechanical.


Alysia is our oldest daughter. She just turned 12 and is growing into quite the young lady. Alysia lives with us full-time, and loves all things girly including glitter, sparkles, unicorns, princesses, tea parties and more. We started homeschooling in 2021 as Alysia was behind in her studies when we got full custody of her. We are working hard with the hopes that she will catch up in a couple of years. I became a mom when she came to live with us, and I am so thankful that the Lord provided this blessed relationship that we share. She considers me to be fully her mother and she is my daughter. God made her for me, as people that don't know the situation think she looks like me, and she even shares some of my mannerisms. Alysia loves music, dancing and art, as well as helping me cook.


Kayla is our 10-year old daughter. She lives with her mother in southern Missouri, but comes to visit us as often as possible. We have her for about a week at a time around Thanksgiving, Christmas/New Year, and spring break. We also have her for an entire 3 months during the summer, and we usually go see her around her birthday or any other time that we are able to. She is our silly wild child, and is a mixture of girly and tom-boy. She loves big, poufy dresses and sparkles, but is just as happy with a wrench in her hand and grease on her face as she works alongside her father in the garage on some project or another. She is almost fearless, which gets her into some trouble from time-to-time and triggers mom's fears a lot. She loves all things geology and cave related, and loves to collect rocks for the rock bed she has created out by our carport. Nana (my mom) bought us a rock tumbler for Christmas, and Kayla is going to flip her lid when she sees it. I have a feeling it will be going non-stop when she is here for the summer so she can fill her rock bed with pretty rocks!

Our family loves to travel and adventure, and we are excited about the opportunity to share some of our life with you. It may be special projects that we are doing, somewhere new we've been, restaurant reviews, recipes, menu plans, or just what's going on in our life at the moment. Either way, we invite you to our "Lair"...the name we've lovingly given our home...and into the journey we call life! Welcome!

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