Saturday, April 22, 2023

Cold Snap Tonight - Brrrr!

 Good evening, friends!

It's a bit chilly this evening! I hope you are all staying warm and healthy!

This has been another busy week. We have been settling into having Kayla here and starting school with two students. It has been busy, but she is doing well so far! We got her actual curriculum in the mail today, so I sat down this evening and planned her school books out for 3 weeks starting May 1st. Even before Kayla came to live with us I had already planned to take this upcoming week off of school since we will be working through the summer and I will plan a couple of breaks throughout that time.

Kayla Works on Analog Clock Flashcards

Wednesday turned out to be a busy day. We had our Pastor over for breakfast and a visit. The girls and I made eggs Benedict, orange scones with orange butter, sausage links, fresh fruit and orange juice. Wednesday night we met friends Nathan, Rebekah, Eszter and Ruth in Orrick at Jayder's Cove for dinner. It was fried chicken night, and it was delicious. What an amazing hidden gem.

I was super proud of Alysia's work in her art class this week. She had a paint by number picture of an illustration from Pilgrim's Progress. She really took her time and it turned out beautifully!

Alysia's Art Project

This afternoon the girl's and I enjoyed a bit of relaxation and pulled out the spirograph kit. We enjoyed a bit of playtime. Sometimes it almost feels like I forget how to have fun since I stay so busy, but this afternoon was a wonderful bit of downtime like I haven't enjoyed in a long time.

Playing with the Spirograph

This evening I decided to try a new recipe out in my Instant Pot (Love that thing!). I made Instant Pot spaghetti. I'll admit...i was skeptical because it is already an easy meal, but I've heard rave reviews so decided to try it. It was a "throw everything in and turn it on" meal...and it worked. 8 minutes from raw food to dinner. Isn't that crazy?! It was tasty, too.

Instant Pot Spaghetti

I've been doing laundry all day, and the last load of blankets is in the dryer. I am thankful for warm blankets available to curl up in soon, as it is cold out there tonight! 

My lilacs have started blooming and they are so beautiful. I planted them last year, and I was surprised to see so many beautiful large bloom bunches only a year in! However, I am worried about them since it is supposed to freeze tonight. I covered them a bit ago with flannel pillowcases with the hopes they will be protected from the frost.


I have also brought in my succulent pot and the plants that I intend to plant into the garden this upcoming week. They are hanging out on my kitchen table now to stay warm overnight.

Plants Hanging Out Inside to Escape Freezing

It is supposed to drop down into the 20s tonight. Stay warm, and I'll catch you soon, friends!



  1. I so enjoy reading your posts and keeping up with life at the lair! Am glad that Kayla's cirriculum has arrived and that she is settling right in. Alysia's art piece turned out beautifully! Good job, Alysia! Will have to try the instapot spaghetti. Would you mind sharing the recipe? Love you! Keep up the good work! <3

    1. I will try to post the instant pot spaghetti recipe this week. Love you!
