Monday, May 15, 2023

Mother's Day and Weekly Update

Hello, Friends!

This has been a great week, and I had a wonderful Mother's Day. I hope all my mom readers had a great day as well! 

Backing up...

Last Sunday (the week before Mother's Day) we picked Kayla up on Sunday evening, and had the pleasure of having dinner with my mom, sister and two nieces. It was a good little family reunion before picking up my beautiful daughter after her visit to her bio mom's house. 

On Monday we returned to school. The girls worked hard this week, and Kayla is doing really well with her reading!

Alysia Works Hard on Bible

Kayla Matches Spelling Words With Pictures

A couple at church gave us a school desk for Kayla. It needed painted, and I let Kayla pick the color. Apparently, her "secret favorite color" is light teal, and that's what she wanted. We got it painted this week, and it turned out well. It's super cute and she loves it!

Kayla's Desk

Kayla Loves Her Desk

On Thursday Alysia and I had dentist appointments. Aaron was supposed to have one as well, but they changed his work schedule and he had to work, so his appointment was cancelled and rescheduled for September. Alysia and I have squeaky clean teach, until next time.

On Friday night I made the girls ranch macaroni and cheese, and Kayla fell in love with it. She must be going through a growth spurt because she ate two plates of it, which is unusual for her as she is a small portion grazer most of the time.

Kayla Asks For a Second Plate of Ranch Mac and Cheese

After dinner I did the girl's fingernails. They have been begging me to do them with my dip powder kit, and was super excited that I finally gave in and sat down for the 45 minutes to an hour it takes to do two sets of them. Kayla chose a pretty blue and Alysia chose a light purple with holographic sparkles.

The Girl's Loved Their Nails

On Saturday night Aaron was off and the whole family jumped into a game of hide and seek in the dark. We had a blast, and the girls are begging for another game of it soon. We hoped to play tonight, but it rained all day so it will have to wait for a bit.

Kayla Hid In the Shadow of the Bushes

Alysia Seeks Her Dad

Sunday was Mother's Day, and the girls woke me up with breakfast in bed. This was my first Mother's Day that I didn't have to work, and they were excited. They had SO MANY PLANS!!! Aaron had to rein them in a bit. They could have easily spent hundreds of dollars to do everything they wanted to do.

Breakfast In Bed

The girls also brought me flowers and a Mr. Goodbar candy bar. They made me lunch and cleaned the house. After lunch we played a game of Monopoly. I won. The girls were ok with that though, because they said they would be disappointed if I didn't since it was Mother's Day. LOL.

Mother's Day Flowers

After the Monopoly game they took me to dinner at Texas Roadhouse since they know that is one of my favorite places to go.

Mother's Day Dinner 

Yesterday was indeed a wonderful day. Today life returned to normal with a full day of school and 5 loads of laundry.

That's it for now! Have a good week! 


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had an absolutely lovely Mother's Day! I'm so thankful! Thankful that you've got the girls...thankful that you didn't have to work this year...and thankful that you had such an enjoyable experience! That's great! The desk DID turn out cute! I like it! Love the nail colors, too! Love you all! Talk soon! ~Mom
