Wednesday, May 3, 2023

To-Do List Update

 Hello, Friends!

Here is my accountability post update for my to-do list. Lots done...lots to still do! Every time I mark something off it seems like I have to add another item or two. We are now working with 4 pages. The yellow items are items that are now completed.

  • Make to-do list
  • Plan garden plot
  • Order garden seeds
  • Balance checkbook
  • Create Hannibal vacation plan
  • Create budget
  • Update spring cleaning list
  • Make Easter plans
    • Plan Easter menu
  • Order key rings for project
  • Adjust bobbin winder on sewing machine
  • Complete mending
  • Finish unicorn cross-stitch project for Alysia
  • School planning
  • Purchase house project supplies
  • Fix rain barrel
  • Set up lunch/dinner plans with a few friends
  • Take care of business paperwork
  • Re-paint kitchen table top
  • Order 4th grade art supplies
  • Organize scrapbook totes
  • Practice piano
  • Complete Master Class chef lessons
  • Check into Ebaying some items
  • Deep-clean master bedroom
  • Deep-clean hallway/stairs
    • Touch up paint
    • Scrape handrail
  • Deep-clean upstairs bathroom
    • Re-caulk bathtub
  • Deep-clean girl's room
  • Deep-clean livingroom
  • Deep-clean kitchen
  • Deep-clean hallway
  • Deep-clean downstairs bathroom
    • Paint bathroom accent wall
    • Replace faucet
  • Deep-clean office/laundry room
  • Sweep outside - porches, steps, carport, gazebo, picnic table pad
  • Power-wash porches
  • Clear bushes/trees across driveway
  • Clean yard
  • Till garden and add compost
  • Plant garden
  • Plant herbs
  • Plant flowers
  • Straighten grape arbor
  • Cover window wells
  • Clean garage
  • Clean basement
  • Clean up woodpile
  • Burn trash wood by garage (Yay! Wienie roasts!)
  • Replace rotten landscaping timbers by steps
  • Crochet hat for Aaron
  • Complete Christmas projects in process for next Christmas
  • Refloor livingroom
  • Refloor hallway
  • Refloor office/laundryroom
  • Paint porches
  • Paint garage doors
  • Paint sewing machine cabinet
  • Paint eaves
  • Clean/repair gutters
  • Fix chimney
  • Fix Fences
  • Fix office door
  • Plan catering job
  • Shampoo car seats
  • Remove excess wires and dish on south side of house
  • Fix siding bottom on south side of the house
  • Redo daily schedules
  • Redo daily chore lists
  • Make monthly chore lists
  • Secure front porch railing nails
  • Secure back porch nails
  • Install front screen door
  • Make cross-stitch sampler for cousin
  • Work on paperwork 
  • Clean yard
  • Remove dead wood from chain-link fence
  • Power-wash the gazebo
  • Remove lattice on gazebo and replace with posts
  • Repair cabinet trim in bathroom
  • Mow yard

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