Thursday, June 1, 2023

Hail Storms, Ambulance Rides and Tadpole News

 Good evening, friends!

I hope this blog post finds you well and happy! 

Our week has been crazy as usual. I will start by backing up to Tuesday of last week.

On Tuesday the girls and I worked hard on school and got school done as quickly as we could. In the afternoon we went to Warrensburg to visit with my mother-in-law, Lisa (A.K.A. Mimi). We spent some time visiting at her apartment. Kayla enjoyed playing out her balcony, as that was the first time Kayla had been to her new apartment.

Kayla Stares In the Balcony Window Behind Me

After we visited most of the afternoon away, we took Mimi and went to have supper at Country Kitchen.

Mimi and Alysia

After dinner we headed to Knob Noster State Park to visit with my mom, who was there for Spring Interetation Training for Missouri State Parks. It was good to see her, as well as many other friends that I don't get to see very often. We had a good evening, and didn't head home until close to 10:00 p.m. We got home around 11:00 p.m. 

While we were visiting with my mom I also found out that my brother and sister-in-law found out their baby is a girl! Yahoo!

Baby Girl K. Due August 27th

On Wednesday morning I had to be up for a doctor's appointment in the morning, and then afterwards I worked with the girls on school and Aaron started working on installing the new front screen door.

Kayla finished school and went outside to play. As soon as Aaron finished the door, it started sprinkling. Kayla was thrilled because she recently told me she had never played in the rain and she wanted to. 

Kayla's First Frolic in the Rain

Kayla's rain playing came to an abrupt end when it started hailing. At first the hail was small, and I got her in. But a few second later it turned to golf-ball size. Aaron got our car under cover quickly, and there was no damage except to our porch roof. The porch roof is corrugated plastic sheets, and it knocked a bunch of large holes in it. Now I'm going to have to replace the porch roof since it is now impossible to stay dry under it. It seems every time one thing is finished another item gets added to our list. 

Hail Damage Holes in Porch Roofing

On Friday in our "Our Mississippi" study the girls were studying the great flood of 1927. The girls had to create a news broadcast about the flood. They did a good job, and it was super cute. 

Alysia Gives Her News Broadcast

On Friday our new porch furniture arrived. We have had a pink chair and an old green plastic table on our porch. We have wanted some good porch furniture for awhile. We didn't have enough money to order everything we wanted, but we did order two chairs and a small glass-topped table. Once we get some more we will remove the old stuff, but for right now, at least we have more seating.



On Saturday mid-morning we found Buddy (our tadpole) wasn't doing too well. Unfortunately, he passed away in the late afternoon. Tadpoles have a habit of gulping air at the top of the water for some reason. Sometimes when this happens their abdomen fills with air, and they rarely recover from it. I felt bad for the girls, and Kayla cried for a couple of hours. He was given a water burial.

Sunday we got up and came downstairs. Everyone was hungry. I was at the stove cooking some bacon up. Kayla was unloading the dishwasher, which is one of her chores. Kayla said her legs felt weird, and a second later she passed out on us. We grabbed her before she hit the floor, and I cradled her in my arms. I gently patted her face and tried to wake her up while Aaron called 911. She came around but was kind of out of it. When EMS arrived they checked her blood sugar to see if maybe it had dropped since she hadn't eaten yet, but it was normal. We loaded her up in the ambulance and I rode with her while Aaron and Alysia followed. 

Kayla in the Ambulance

When we got to the hospital they ran several tests, and couldn't find anything wrong other than being a bit dehydrated. I am always on her to drink, but now I have to be on her even more. We got home, and she bounced back pretty quickly.

Kayla Was a Trooper

After we got home we found out that my niece had her gender reveal party. They found out they will be having a first great-nephew.

Baby Boy H. Due October 20th

Monday was Memorial Day. We ended up relaxing and grilling out. I was also able to finish my paint by number that I had started for one of the girls for Christmas. I have a second one to do. I haven't decided which one I am going to give which girl, but I thought this one turned out pretty well!

Christmas Painting for the Girls

I went to the store the other day. Not only did I need to pick up my own groceries, but I needed to pick up groceries for my catering job this weekend. I have started going to both Aldi and Wal-Mart in order to compare prices while I shop. Sometimes I can save a few pennies on an item...sometimes a couple dollars. Regardless...I'm saving on average around $10 per trip. It might not be much...but $40 a month extra will pay another bill. Is it more work? Yes. Is it worth it? Definitely.

This week we found out Aaron's promotion at work was approved and he is now a maintenance tech 2! It is something he has been hoping for for awhile now, so we were super excited. They also have kept changing his schedule around recently, which has been pretty annoying. His boss gave him a gift card as a thank you for being willing to help extra where needed, so at least that was nice.

We were supposed to go to the cosmosphere in Kansas tomorrow, but due to several things we have decided to push that trip back to the fall. As we already had the day scheduled off school, we are going to go ahead and take it off since now we will be going to Springfield. As such, we are done with school for the week other than an essay that Alysia is currently writing. Woo-hoo!

Alysia's essay is on Robert Edwin Peary and Roald Amundsen...the gentlemen primarily credited with first exploring the north and south poles. These explorers were active in the late 1800s and early 1900s. She has to write 200 words and is mostly down to spell checking and correcting errors.

Tomorrow we are taking Kayla down to southern Missouri to spend a couple days with her mom. On the way down we are going to go through Springfield to eat at Lamberts. Kayla has been asking to go there to eat for months, so we are going to take the girls there before we head further south. Tomorrow is Aaron's only day off work in a stretch of 7, so hopefully we'll be back in a reasonable amount of time. 

On Saturday I have to start preparing for my catering job on Sunday, and then Sunday evening Kayla will be home. Her mom is bringing her all they way back here, so that will be good.

All in all it's gearing up to be a very busy weekend. I hope you all have great plans for the weekend, and I look forward to visiting with you again soon!


1 comment:

  1. There's so much going on that it's hard to keep sometimes. I read this earlier, but didn't have time to comment. Glad Kayla is okay and that's too bad about the porch roof. Did you have a roof on it the last time I was there? I can't remember. Is that something new? Anyway, looking forward to our next visit! Love you and can't wait! Talk soon! <3
